Hilary's Address:

Sister Hilary Worthen
Massachusetts Boston Mission
182 West Central Street
Suite #203
Natick, MA 01760

Monday, March 10, 2008

This really CRAZY girl...

(Mom's words) Oops...I said I wasn't going to add anymore...
but I forgot about this Sister. She was a Canadian going
to Florida and was sitting next to us in the meeting they
have before the missionaries and their families go their
separate ways.
It is a BITTERSWEET time and very EMOTIONAL.
But this friendly gal was ready to get started
and after Hil and I had one last hug, she grabbed
onto Hil's arm and said 'Let's go!' and they got in
the missionary line and I walked out the door.

Hilary's words: "This is Sister Smith,
the girl I met before I left you.
I am so grateful for her!
She was an answer to my prayers!"

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